Moisture-Loc Anti-transpirant for Cut Christmas Trees and Greenery
Nurserymen and growers have known for some time that Moisture-Loc foliar anti-transpirant holds moisture in live trees and plants better than anything else. NOW—–Christmas tree growers are finding Moisture-Loc to be just as effective on cut trees, greenery and holly.
What does this mean to the grower and shipper?
It means you can cut your trees earlier and still offer a tree that is fresh on New Years Day. The advantage of early cuttings reduces the chance of having to harvest during inclement weather. It also means less problems finding transportation while extending the selling season for your wholesale customers.
The artificial tree manufacturers are taking a large share of the grower market by pointing out the so-called problems with real trees. Moisture-Loc can help you overcome these objections. The ability to hold in moisture prolongs the evergreen scent, reduces the needle drop and in turn lessens the clean up. A fresher, moister tree can also reduce fire danger.
Moisture-Loc can be sprayed on standing trees in the field with typical spray equipment or bundled trees can be dipped after cutting. Dipping is the most effective way to apply Moisture-Loc to wreaths and holly.
Dependent on the type of tree and the shipping and display time, Moisture-Loc can cost as little as $ .30 cents per tree on small trees and less than a dollar on trees up to 10 feet tall. Trees requiring longer shipping time will need a stronger dilution of Moisture-Loc.
We are presently making Moisture-Loc available to Christmas tree growers for field tests prior to the upcoming Christmas season. We recommend that the grower do some small comparison tests of a few trees or cut greens protected by Moisture-Loc versus a regular tree with no protection. The test should be done with the trees put in a water holder and another test with no water (If a water holder is used do not put Moisture-Loc on the cut base of the tree). The same type of test can be done with cut greenery and holly.
If you have an interest in our field trial program contact us via our website or call 541-383-0222.
Harvest trees, greens or holly 3 to 4 weeks prior to the trade show. Protect one tree with Moisture-Loc (do not treat the cut portion of the tree trunk), and leave a companion tree untreated. Place both trees in a water container if possible.
Display both trees side by side at the trade show with a sign explaining what was done and when. The Moisture-Loc treated tree will still be fresh, green and retain more of its odor. The untreated tree should be showing definite signs of dryness in the 4-week period. (For best results dilute one part Moisture-Loc into 5 parts water.)
This display also works well with wreaths, garlands and holly.